Soon to-be-elected US Sen. Doug Jones (D-Alabama) with women voters who made the upset possible last night, and Sen. Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) campaigning in Alabama—where Roy Moore was soundly defeated despite Steve Bannon and Donald Trump campaigning for the accused girl-stalker.
When Donald Trump says Senator Kirsten Gillibrand came to him “begging” for donations and “would do anything,” he knew damn well that his “anything” would be heard as “anything sexual” in the halls of male power. (See CNN story )
Men like Trump, who use force, or pimp their money out for favors they can’t get unless they pay first, have always used surplus money for power, closely aligned in the male imagination, with sex. Mounting someone, whether with money or slut-language-putdowns, supposedly demonstrates your masculinity, even when your hands are tiny. Sex is the male metaphor used to explain dominance—the pattern a supposedly male-only-God-intended one—with males mounting weaker females expected to “submit.”
Any evangelical woman waiting for Mike Pence or Roy Moore to admonish the President about Jesus’ sermon on the mount (yes, a play on words), will have to turn blue before she’ll hear a respectful word for principled females like Gillibrand. To patriarchal ways of thinking (not that of real-Biblical Jesus), all females are inferior to males. And females either are begging for it, or having to be forced.
We’re sorry, but we didn’t make up slut-mounting metaphors, or those silly and contradictory sexual rules. Women say we’re overdue for some new ones. How about getting consent before you make your power move? How about our making love together for the good of all involved? That would be democracy, wouldn’t it?
The hypocrisy Jesus meant when he called the conspicuously religious Pharisees “white-washed sepulchers” surely applies to Pence, Moore, Trump, and Bannon. So to put current matters in the sexual terms powerful men like to use, the pale male sluts of Washington are due to deliver big tax cuts to their big-money johns, effectively screwing the female majority without our consent.
We so agree with newly elected US Sen. Doug Jones from the great state of Alabama (where women’s votes made the difference) —it is time for Congress to fund CHIP, the Children’s Health Insurance Program. (See NBC story
And Sen. Susan Collins of Maine? Until Republicans repent of corruption, winning your tax vote with a lie about affordable healthcare, it is time for you to become an independent! (See Washington Post story on House/Senate resolution process.